Our Achievements


  • CCRD has further strengthened and sustained itself as a “Resource Centre for Child Rights” synchronizing advocacy and policy influencing function in collaboration with NGO’s working in different districts of Tamil Nad. The Centre provides documentation information services along with Capacity Enhancement Trainings. More than 3000 NGO Staff from 60 different organisations have been trained. Out of this about 300 are senior functionaries of NGO’s including Chief Functionaries.
  • Through the implementation of the various activities as State-level Resource Centre CCRD has been able to sustain its accreditation with the State-Government, Ministry of Human Resource Development – GOI, UNICEF and ILO.
  • Documentation and Information dissemination Services of the organisation has been further strengthened. Specifically our Half Yearly Journal on Child Rights in the regional language has been widely circulated and many organisations and institutions have stated the journal to be useful and contemporarily informative.
  • Several Fact Finding missions commissioned by CCD to enquire into various forms of Child Rights violations and reports released have activated the concerned Government departments on taking punitive action against its perpetuators and preventive measure to stop such occurrences in future.
  • As part of its advocacy strategy towards influencing public policy and law to be in the best interest of children CCD actively participates, strengthen and extends, critical support to various Networks and Campaigns on Children’s issues both at the National-level and State-level.
  • CCRD plays an instrumental role in formation and sustenance of a broad based platform for monitoring child protection at the State-level by initiating a forum called League for Child Rights – LCR,TN & Puduvai”. This forum has now become the interface between the civil society organisations and the government both Central and State including statutory commissions like “National Commission for Protection of Child Rights- NCPCR, National Human Rights Commission -NHRC, National Women’s Commissions -NWC, etc…,

Field-Level (Village & District – Level)

  • Adequate rapport has been built with the target children at the village-level for implementing various activities towards their empowerment. Children’s Association has been established in all our working area both rural and urban which has a total membership of about 2000 children.
  • a Child Labour and School dropout has significantly reduced among children below 14 years of age through implementation of programmes like enrollment campaign, bridge course and life skills, education programme and day to day supplementary education after school hours.
  • Majority of Children in our target area have been ensured birth registration and local anganwadi workers sensitized to provide quality Early Childhood Care and Development-ECCD services for children below 6 years in all our working areas.
  • 30,000 school children benefited from the child rights and disaster preparedness awareness programmes organized in the local schools in Thiruvallur District.
  • The Community members have been organised in formations such as Village Child Protection Committees-VCPC / Neighbourhood Child Protection Committee-NCPC both at the Village-level and Slum-level and have been sensitized on child rights including community based mechanisms for child protection and participation.

Let us join our hands to create a “World Fit for Children”